
“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”  I am interested in the underdog.  In whatever form they come.  I wish for a world where the David’s always win, but even more so, where there are no people who have to take on Goliath-sized burdens.  I wish for freedom in the form of opportunity for all.  I don’t want to live in a world where some people are born without having the basic access to food, water, health, or any sort of opportunity for productivity.

I believe that every person on this earth is as important as every other person.  Money should not be the marker of a better human being.

I am not an optimist   I am a “possibilist”. “We can stop population growth, we can eradicate poverty, we can solve the energy and the climate issues but we have to make the right investment.” “I know a good world is possible if we leave emotion aside and just work analytically.” – Hans Rosling.

We need to create a world where helping your fellow man is valued and the norm.

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